For the past 15 years Dr. Gridley has refined his techniques within a multidisciplinary practice model, with most of this time working in-house within 2 of the largest pain management practices in Colorado.

Currently, Denver Sport & Spine® exists as a referral-driven practice, with a sizeable percentage of it’s patient base made up of worker’s comp injuries. He has found success applying the treatment model that has worked so well with his sports injuries and elite athletes to his work comp cases.

Dr. Gridley has given numerous lectures highlighting his treatment approach over the years to occupational medicine physicians, adjustors and nurse case managers within organizations such as Pinnacol Assurance and C-Ring.

Just recently he served as the Chiropractic selectee on the Division of Worker’s Comp treatment guidelines committee for 2016 as they authored the new Cumulative Trauma Treatment Guidelines.

Why choose a provider who specializes in the soft-tissue component of the injury, versus relying on the standard Chiropractic and Osteopathic model of manipulation only?

The main trigger point of a muscle is located at the point or points of innervation, causing a constant firing at the sarcolemma instead of a contract and release mechanism. This constant neural firing weakens the muscle and eventually may cause autonomic dysfunction, or overload stress of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. Satellite trigger points are often active, especially at the musculotendinous junction, causing enthesopathy and referred pain around the joint. The precise physiology of referred pain patterns associated with myofascial trigger points and endplate dysfunction is still unclear, but it is generally accepted that it is a multifactorial pathological process. Referred pain may be due to a combination of nerve irritation, projecting along dermatomes or myotomes, and connective tissue disorder extending along fascia, as well as indirect causes related to expansion of the syndrome to other myofascial foci, or muscles.

Interested to learn more?

Get in touch to learn more about working with Dr. Gridley.

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