Michelle S.

Anyone who has any type of chronic pain knows it can be depressing and seem like the pain will haunt you forever.

I was there. I injured my shoulder in August of 2012, and for months was treated with anti-inflammatories, pain killers, physical therapy 3 days a week, two steroid injections, and surgery. Nothing seemed to take the pain away or give me back the movement in my arm and I felt hopeless and angry.

When nothing else was working, my doctor finally sent me to see Dr. Gridley. Unbelievable! FINALLY some results! Dr. Gridley took time to listen to everything I said, and did his magic. I remember being able to put my arm behind my back for the first time in months after just my first visit with him and just wanting to cry with happiness. Why didn’t I just go see him first I wondered. Months of daily pain and aggravation could have been avoided if I would have just seen him first. He had the answers and skills to figure out where my pain was coming from and made a difference for me.

Dr. Gridley’s passion to make his patients truly feel better is very impressive. I have so much respect for Dr. Gridley and am excited and enthused to recommend him to anyone who is suffering from daily pain. He takes the extra time most doctors don’t to listen and understand. That is something special. That combined with his knowledge and skills are exactly what I needed.

– Michelle S.